General Pulaski Council #3323

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Who are the Knights of Columbus
Whow was General Casimir Pulaski
What are the benefits of joining the Knights of Columbus
Information for the Fourth Degree
Tell me about the tootsie roll drive
Tell me about the Pancake Breakfast. When will they occur
Tell me about the Spaghetti Dinners. When will they take place
What other activities do the Knights host or are involved in
Parish Communites Served by Gernearl Pulaski Council

Cardinal Samuel Stritch Assembly #205
The Arch-Diocese of Chicago Knights of Columbus
The Illinois State Council Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus Supreme Council


The Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities

September 19-21, 2014


Why do the Knights sell Tootsie Rolls?

Actually we don't sell Tootsie Rolls! The Knights of Columbus have been involved with assisting people with intellectual disabilities for several years. One of the most popular and successful programs conducted by Knights of Columbus state and local councils for the benefit of people with intellectual disabilities is the fund-raiser in which councils collect donations outside stores and on street corners. In appreciation, the donor is offered a candy bar, often a Tootsie Roll. The high visibility of this program has led to the campaign being referred to as the “Tootsie Roll Drive.” The nickname is understandable, but misleading.

The Knights of Columbus has no official tie to Tootsie Rolls or their manufacturer. In fact, many councils participate in the same fund-raising drive, but distribute other items. When you donate money you are giving it to our Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities” We appreciate any money you can spare.

Do you need to be a Knight to assist with the Campaign?

While all Brother Knights are strongly encouraged to participate and aid in the Campaign, the Knights also welcome volunteers form other ministries.


Email: General Pulaski Council at Knights@Hegewisch.Net